One of the biggest and most costly considerations of any construction project is environmental impact. As contractors who literally work out in the field, understanding the environment in which we work not only has sustainability benefits, but safety benefits as well. Access and construction mats are integral to making your job easier, safer, and greener.
Topsoil takes a long time to regenerate and repair itself, ultimately slowing the regrowth time of the vegetation that was there beforehand. As construction and access mat specialists, we can make changes on both sides to reduce environmental impact of our projects and keep the environment in peak condition.
By using the appropriate mats for your site, you can reduce soil disturbance and compaction from heavy machinery, crane use, and increased traffic across the work site. Environment preservation with mats will result in a reduction of costs across the board, including restoration, productivity, crop loss, and property damage.
Access and construction mats can be reused if they are high quality. We try to reuse timber mats to cut down on forestry and production costs. We also follow a grading scale to measure the lifespan of our mats to optimize safety and utility effectiveness.
Site planning and clean up is also important to keeping environmental impact to a minimum. Mats can create a workable and non-invasive path into and out of the work site. Planning a path to avoid more fragile ground can also help reduce ground destruction. If trees or vegetation do need to be removed, compost piles can also be formed and dispersed on the area after the construction project is complete. Big developments do not have to leave big destruction in an environment by using the appropriate measures and considerations.